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Gene Pair: INS, PKLR

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1 974179 Pyruvate kinase activity was decreased under diabetes, and insulin injections produced further decrease of the enzyme activity in diabetic rats.
2 400579 Since pyruvate kinase activity in diabetic dogs without endotoxin treatment was not affected, these findings suggest that the stimulatory effect of endotoxin on pyruvate kinase activity in diabetic dogs may be associated with insulin deficiency and/or high ambient blood glucose level.
3 6760859 A radioimmunoassay specific for liver pyruvate kinase was used to determine the mechanism(s) involved in the insulin stimulation of this enzyme activity in chronically diabetic rats.
4 6760859 Liver pyruvate kinase activity, which is depressed in diabetes, did not respond to insulin until 36 h of treatment, with a more substantial increase occurring by 60 h.
5 6760859 These results demonstrate that a dual mechanism, i.e. an increase in both the quantity and specific activity of the enzyme, regulates the insulin-mediated stimulation of liver pyruvate kinase in the diabetic rat.
6 3905188 In the density separated samples the insulin binding correlated closer to the pyruvate kinase activity than to the number of reticulocytes.
7 3030412 A major effect of insulin in vitro upon diabetic liver was the induction of a large increase in the rate of pyruvate kinase flux, bringing relative and absolute fluxes up to the levels measured in 24-h-fasted controls.
8 2692945 Insulin might overcome the glucose effect by activating pyruvate kinase through the known mechanism of enzyme dephosphorylation.
9 1959479 With respect to the key enzyme activities of glucose utilization, activation of glycogen synthase (increase of I-activity/total activity) and pyruvate kinase (activation at 0.2 mM phosphoenolpyruvate) was noted 4 h after insulin addition, and these effects were not abolished by cycloheximide.
10 1836995 These results suggested that rat liver-type phosphofructokinase mRNA in the liver was not under control of diet or insulin, in contrast to glucokinase and L-type pyruvate kinase.
11 7688320 A high glucose or fructose diet, or insulin administration caused a similar magnitude of increase in the level of L-type pyruvate kinase mRNA in the liver of Wistar fatty rats and their lean littermates.
12 7688320 These results indicate that the regulation of gene expression of glucokinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, but not of L-type pyruvate kinase, by insulin is impaired in the liver of the Wistar fatty rat.
13 10700396 Liver pyruvate kinase activity and blood insulin also decreased after lithium administration.
14 16803864 SHP(-/-) hepatocytes showed markedly decreased basal glucose production in cultures, and SHP(-/-) livers had increased glycogen stores and were more sensitive to insulin inhibition of glucose output, which were concomitant with decreased expression for PPARgamma1, fatty acid translocase, glucose-6-phosphatase, and phosphoenol/pyruvate carboxykinase, and increased mRNAs for glucokinase and pyruvate kinase.